Cinderella Party | Games ideas, Activities and Decorations!
Hello and welcome to this Disney princess series where we share ideas for an epic Cinderella theme Birthday party!
I’m Zoe, a previous professional kids’ party host and now creator for the Parties Universe site where I share the tried and tested ideas for creative and budget-friendly kid’s parties!
This Cinderella Party plan shares ideas for games, activities, decorations and heaps of fun, all themed around the classic fairytale we know and love. So let’s get going!

Cinderella Game Ideas
1. Shoe-tastic dance moves!
This game is like music bumps but with a twist. When the music plays children dance, but when the music stops, children have to sit on the floor as fast as possible. The slowest to sit is out!
However, in this variation, each tie the children get up from the floor, they have to pretend to put on different pairs of shoes and dance in the style they would have to if they were in that shoe. For example:
- Heavy wellies! (children might stomp around, heavy-footed)
- Stilettos! (children might totter on their tiptoes and wiggle their hips)
- Sticks shoes! (children may not be able to take their feet off the ground!)
- Sneakers! (children may zoom around the dance floor as if running)
- Ice skates! (children may glide around)
- Tap Shoes! (children might tap dance)
This is a fun, fast-paced game, and great for burning off some excess energy!
2. Stepmother’s footsteps!
In this game, which is a little like grandmother’s footsteps, the children pretend to be little Cinderellas trying to sneak out to the ball!
Whenever the step-mothers back is turned, children can creep forwards, but when the stepmother turns around, any child caught moving is immediately sent to ‘do chores’ back at the start line!
The winner is the child who can creep all the way to the front and catch up with the stepmother!
3. Party Party Midnight!
This game is like duck-duck-goose but with a magical Cinderella theme! In the story, cinderella can only dance at the ball until midnight, so this game plays on that theme with a familiar structure that the kids love.
This is a great game to play as kids arrive at different times and it’s easy to slot right in and join the group. It’s a nice active game for children who don’t know the rest of the group to warm up with.
Cinderella Activities
1. Decorate a Cinderella Tiara!
This is a lovely DIY for a princess party. We love any prop or costume piece that lets kids interact with the theme directly. It helps create this magical atmosphere in a whole new way!
We suggest following these instructions from Katie at Made to be a Mumma! They are so cute.
2. Cinderella Ball Disco!
The ball scene in Cinderella is a perfect excuse for a party disco! We suggest a ‘glass-slipper’ theme disco, with blue lights (if possible!) and a disco mirror ball!
Let the children have a blast to their favourite tunes!

3. Cinderella Chore games!
At the start of the story, Cinderella has to do so much housework!
This game is in honour of all her work…but a bit more fun! There are 4 challenge stations and the kids can split into groups and rotate, or compete against each other at each challenge.
- Sweeping long push: Kids stand behind a line and have to slide a broom along the floor as far as possible
- Laundry peg throw: Children have to aim laundry pegs into a bucket from behind a line, and get in as many as possible!
- Duster relay: This is a relay race but with dusters. How fast can the children dust? Give them a (new, clean) duster and have them race around a chair using the duster as a baton to pass onto the next person in the race. You can challenge them by making a hopping race, or a skipping race next.
- Laundry soap bubble pop: One team member blows bubbles and the others have to pop them as fast as they can. Mark out a square section that all humans have to stay inside of. This one is best played outside so that the subs don’t make the floor slippery. If not- lay down newspaper or tarp!
This is a fun take at a party obstacle course! You can challenge the children by altering the difficulty of the stations.
4. Cinderella Storytime
A group storytelling is a lovely activity for the party! If you are confident, you can do this off the cuff. Or, you can read from a storybook with illustrations for the children to look at while you read.
Make it interactive, and at the end, it is lovely to get the children to group cheer when the prince finds the princess and the slipper fits- yaaaaay!
This sort of detail adds a group celebratory feel to the party and creates a sense of togetherness and total inclusion for all the children which is exactly what we want to create.
5. Princess Treasure Hunt
One of the best activities for a kids party is a treasure hunt! These are so much fun and they create such a great group spirit.
We have created a super affordable DIY downloadable treasure hunt. It comes with an exciting background story about a map that needs to be pieced together in order to find the treasure! This is hand illustrated and adapts to any party location. Click here to find out more!

Cinderella Party Decorations
- Blue, white and gold balloons! Big bunches of balloons are the best, most uplifting and most festive decoration for any party. Using the well-known theme colours for this princess story will be evocative and decorative and create a great atmosphere!
- Huge Party Photo backdrop! We’ve found this inexpensive massive Cinderella poster which we think will completely elevate the feel of the space. It’s bold and simple and brings a huge effect!
- Tiara props. We think some sort of interactive decoration can be super evocative and have a great effect for children compared with conventional passive decorations. For this theme, we suggest princess tiaras- either those you’ve made in the craft activity or, if you choose not to make your own you can get these inexpensive ones online as decorative party props.
- Glitter curtain! This blue glitter curtain, or a silver one or something similar, would be a fantastic sparkling party decoration that is super festive, bold and simple. You could even have it hanging across a doorway so kids walk through it into the party atmosphere!
- Music! There is nothing more evocative than music so we love recommending magical background music to help create an atmosphere of wonder and magic at parties! The Cinderella Disney movie also has some great songs, so make use of these too. You can find them for free on youtube.
Good luck!
We hope you’ve enjoyed this post and that you have taken some great ideas away with you!
Remember the ultimate goal is for your child to feel super special and to mark the occasion of this life milestone with them, so take on what you can and leave the rest. The most important thing is to be present (and not stressed!)
Be sure to take heaps of photos!
Best of Luck, Zoe x